Phares et feux de Bretagne, sentinelles des côtes
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Brittany, land of choice for lighthouses that have become a true regional emblem, concentrates on its coastline almost a quarter of the French buildings. These coastal sentries with names steeped in history, Ar-Men, the Créach, the Stiff, the Jument, the Pierres-Noires, Pointe Saint-Mathieu, Eckmühl ..., the hope of sailors from all over the world, are now attractive tourist spots. every year more and more visitors.urs.
The photographic collections of the Musée de Bretagne make it possible to present here these works of art, whether they are lighthouses, lights or lanterns, authentic human and technological prowess constituting a treasure of Breton heritage. Artistic shots or commissioned reports, maritime signage architecture has continued to represent a favorite subject for photographers, amateurs and professionals alike .....
Authors: Laurence Prodhomme and Olivier Barbet
14 x 16cm - 120 inner pages in five colors
ISBN: 978-2-36510-014-4