Suggest a project

We would be happy to see your work, but we also receive many proposals. Our team is small, so you will probably not receive a response for a month. If after six weeks we have not replied to you, please write to us again; your previous email may have gone unnoticed.

To submit your project to us, please follow the procedure:

- Send us an email at with the subject lineet
PROPOSAL - project name

- Attach a PDF file of 20 to 30 images compressed under 7 MB, or send us a link to a file and a maximum note of intent for a single-sided

Please do not refer us to your website.

If you have read this site, we hope you will see some consistency; this is normal, it is always the same two people who choose the projects.

Finally, remember that if we don't accept your work, it's not because it has no value, it's because it doesn't match our brand and tone.

Yves and Richard

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